Maybe The Greatest Chairlift Ride Ever – Jackson Hole, 12.22.12 3:19pm

We got on the chairlift in Jackson Hole, I think it was Sublette or Thunder, with this older British guy and his snowboard instructor. He seemed like a dude, or in modern language a “bro,” in that he just seemed cool. First he just started complaining about his snowboarding boot, but not just complaining, he was actively trying to fix the problem by readjusting the ties with his bare hands. When it is 20 degrees outside, you know right away you’re not just hanging out with some guy applying for AARP.

Then to continue the amazement, he just starts talking sh*t to us. Not in a hostile or menacing way, but in a big brother sort of way saying in this thick, well earned, rough British accent to his instructor, “these boys don’t know what they’re in for. No, they don’t know what’s coming. They’re about to get it, whether they like it or not, they going to get it.” At this point I am pretty convinced that he spent time as the manager for the Stones or The Who and is going to pull out a bottle of British countryside moonshine or maybe something more illicit. But instead he pulled out a harmonica and the rest is part of one of the coolest chairlift rides in history…